Retraction - Long Non-Coding RNA XLOC_008466 Functions as an Oncogene in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Targeting miR-874

Published online 31 December 2023


Retraction Statement

The article ‘Long Non-Coding RNA XLOC_008466 Functions as an Oncogene in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Targeting miR-874’ [Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2017;42:126–136;DOI: 10.1159/000477121] by Rui Yang, Ping Li, Guojun Zhanga Chunya Lu, Huaqi Wang and Guoqiang Zhao has been retracted by the current and former Publishers and the Editor.

After publication of this article, duplication was identified within Figure 2A. When asked to comment the corresponding author stated that an investigation has been con- ducted by the corresponding author’s institution. The matter was been raised to the cor- responding author’s institution by the journal and an Expression of Concern was published (DOI:10.33594/000000607). The author’s institution did not respond to our inquiry about the outcome of the investigation. Given the severity of the concerns raised this article is being retracted.

The authors did not respond to correspondence about this retraction within the time- frame specified or could not be reached.